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Planting seeds to grow new perspectives

Updated: May 21, 2023

We are reanimated and reborn with every inhalation, and with every exhalation, we release and let go.

The same can be said daily; upon every awakening, we arise to a new day, greeted with the dawn, and when we lay to rest in the darkness, we are still and go within, releasing our cares and worries for a time.

Seasonally this cycle repeats all around the globe. New life emerges from the barren cold darkness of winter, breaking through the freshly thawed ground to find its light source. It grows, flourishes, bears fruit, and then withers, releases, and rests until the cycle repeats.

How often do we take notice of the world around us? of nature's beauty? of the part we play in this lifetime?

Our human experience is a reflection of life around us. Cycles and balance surround us. We are born into this life with a set of blueprints, so to speak, our lives laid out in detail according to our birth chart. Astrology charts have been around as long as humans have existed and have become a popular pastime for many leaving one to wonder Why? Because we enter into this world with this program. All that will manifest in our lifetime is in the skies. I never bought into horoscopes and astrology signs; most of what is in the daily paper or magazines is pretty hokey and generalized. However, when I started getting into actual astrological charts, it got real, real fast. Way too much is accurate to be coincidental. As the chart cycles around year after year, our stories unfold. We enter into new alignments and struggles while ending others; some patterns repeat while others bring new lessons.

I wonder if anything in life is spontaneous or based on free will. How can I believe I'm running my life and in control of my path if my chart predetermines everything, an individual program written before I was born. Is there a way to rewrite that program or manifest a different, more desirable outcome? How much control do I have on this journey through these life cycles?

Well, let's look at it this way, we can come in to experience life just for the sake of that experience. Kind of like riding a roller coaster; with the cart locked onto the track. We ride the ride, up and down, all around, reacting to every stage of the ride, the twists, the turns, the bumps and curves, the climbs, the falls, all the while safely in our carts, sailing through the ride start to finish, never sure of what comes next, just reacting and riding, experiencing whatever comes our way based on the track we're currently riding. Another perspective is we are the engineer; we can be the creator behind the ride, the one who decides the entire layout of the journey, and the one who sees not only the whole ride mapped out in their mind but infinite configurations of infinite tracks and possibilities that we can create. We can begin to see new ways of seeing things, to become aware of what's going on, to see the bigger picture, and then shift our awareness from the little perspective of the passenger locked into a one-track ride to that of the creator or engineer, the one who transforms and maps out endless possibilities. The third perspective is that of the observer, the one watching over everything happening simultaneously, a state of ultimate presence, complete awareness, fully present in whole consciousness, authentic reality. We are connected to all that is, observing, not attached, not reacting, just being present.

We arrive here as passengers traveling through life, yet we have the ability and power to create anything. We are the reflection of the universe, the divine source of all that is dreaming up an experience of existence. We wrote the story, created the stars and the cycles of life, and simultaneously we are the oneness we desperately seek to reunite with. There is no there, there is no future, and there is no past. We are complete; we are whole; we are perfect. Deep breathe. Repeat.

I am complete; I am whole; I am perfect; I am—deep breath in 1-2-3-4 and out 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8. I am—deep breath in 1-2-3-4 and out 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8. I am. Once more, deep breath in 1-2-3-4 and exhale 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8. I am.

If you just did this exercise, you participated in life, manifested a parasympathetic relaxation response, and were fully present. We are cyclical beings here in this life, and we cycle around in our thoughts and awareness as we journey through life. Sometimes the passenger, other times the creator, and when still the observer, but constantly connected to the wholeness of all that is.

So can we rewrite the scripts written for our lives, or are we bound to the cycles we came into this lifetime with? It appears it's all in what perspective is chosen at any given moment. Every breath is a renewal, a new beginning. We may ask ourselves these questions,

Am I going to be a passenger trapped in a single car experiencing a dream, or a nightmare, or a combination, utterly unaware of what's happening at any given turn, riding on a single track headed who knows where a victim of circumstance and unawareness?

Am I ready to step into the role of creator, to start manifesting and planning the life I want to be a part of, taking responsibility and fully engaged in life, capable of designing unlimited possibilities by shifting my thoughts and perceptions?

Or am I ready to step away from the ride entirely and become the observer, the one fully in the present moment which sees the whole picture, stepping into I am, shifting awareness into one's full potential as pure consciousness, joy, and compassion?

Indeed, we always have choices, even if it's just shifting our perspective. How we engage in life, respond to it, and perceive it is our choice and, ultimately, our reality. We can look out the window and barely notice the buds blooming on the tree because we overslept and are running late, frantically trying to get somewhere and caught up in our head, or we can stop, take a deep breath and observe the beautiful bright green new blades of grass bursting through the ground with gratitude and awe, giving ourselves a minute to connect with the world around us and be present. We are setting up the same day in two completely different ways. Life is a gift; how we perceive it is always a choice, so choose wisely.


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