There is something about a thunderstorm that can shake us to our core.
It is such a deep-seated stir that it gets the adrenaline flowing.
As we sit, listen to the pouring rain, and watch the sky flash with light, we await the rolling force of a vibrational deafening sonic boom.
Why is thunder so powerful?
In a fraction of a second, lightning heats the air around it to temperatures reaching 54,000 degrees Fahrenheit, five times hotter than the surface of the Sun. The heated air expands explosively, creating a shockwave that rapidly compresses the air around it. (https://scokomls/gov/lightning/)
Scientifically it makes sense, thunder is understandable, yet beyond the science, there is something deeper, something traveling back into humanity's lineage that links us to this incredible part of our natural world. There is the apparent symbolic reminder of the divine power of the universe, yet underneath there is also a reflective connection associated with personal growth and inner strength. Thunder is associated spiritually with our breath and throat chakras, speaking our truth, and voicing our desires. Did you ever wonder how some storms are so loud, and yet we sleep right through them, and other times the littlest rumble has us wide awake? The roar of thunder can shake us out of our complacency and be a wake-up call for us to pay attention to what is happening around us. It can be a call to listen to our inner voice and intuition; where might we need to make changes? Any way you look at it, if thunder has a message for you, you will feel it.
We are energetic beings; all around us is energy, and we all run off the same circuit. It is not surprising that there are always messages and guidance surrounding us in our daily lives. Unique happenings pertaining to each individual and substantial natural disasters pertaining to the collective. All we must do is pay attention by being present. As much as being a rational, intellectual species on Earth is so unique and makes us ultimately limitless in our ability to create anything we desire, it also hinders us with all our inner chatter, blocks, disbeliefs, and distractions. How do we become the ones that can manifest reality and alchemize transformation in our lives? We must learn to listen, to see the signs and directions around us.
Listening is an art form, a skill not taught growing up. It is not about being able to stop our thoughts; while that may be possible with years and years of study and practice, it is not realistic for most. Listening is actually about detaching. It is shifting our perspective from the thinker to the observer.
Ram Dass talked about thoughts this way,
"If I can’t stop thinking, maybe I can just let my thoughts go by without getting caught up in them. Feel the breeze on your face or your neck: See how it’s going by? You’re not all hung up with it. You don’t have to see where each breeze goes. You don’t have to look quickly to see if it hit those trees over there. It's breezes, and they’re just going by. Make your thoughts like those breezes, those little breezes…just going by.”
We can start by investing 5 minutes a day being present, letting our thoughts pass by, not following where they go, just observing them, acknowledging them, and releasing our attachment to them. Listen to the birds singing, the rain falling, and the thunder rolling in; close your eyes, sense what you feel, follow that feeling, and see if there is an inner message there for you, direction to a pending decision, a nudge to take a class or learn something new, a desire to cook a healthy meal to share with a friend who may need your company.
We are constantly being supported and directed in our lives; messages and maps surround us. Energy is certainly not restricted to just form. Guidance can come from a moment of daydreaming, a butterfly landing on your arm, and sometimes from a mighty thunderstorm.
Work on your listening, and develop your observation skills; the more we tune into the messages around us, the sooner our lives become an outlet through which the universe can manifest itself, awakening the collective to work together to amplify that incredible energy source into something more potent than even thunder. A world aware of itself and all that it is capable of creating. It starts with each individual learning to Listen.
