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Falling Into Grace

Fall is coming.

Rainbows of color wash over the treetops, cozy sweaters are gently removed from storage, pumpkin spice monopolizes everything edible and the temperatures cool,  offering a brisk chill to the air. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone that doesn’t have some affinity for autumn. 

Friday night football games at the local high schools return, heirloom soup and stew recipes reemerge to fill crockpots and tummies alike, slippers replace sandals, novels replace newspapers, and life seems to slow down and take a deep calming breath.

Fall is more than just a season, for many of us it is the closest thing to self-care we take for ourselves.

The nurturers, the caretakers, and the givers of the world offer so much to all those blessed to know them, yet these gifts are not given without a consequence, slowly depleting resources over time and leaving nothing leftover for one's own self-care.

Observing these everyday superheroes over the past few decades, it has become obvious that receiving is not one of their superpowers. Why is it that receiving has become synonymous with being selfish, indulgent, or only acceptable when given in exchange for something?

As a collective the idea of self-care appears to have been put last on an endless list of things to do, a fantasy of an intention that never comes to light.

We’ve all heard it said life is too short, enjoy it while you can, but it goes deeper than just another over utilized saying. Self-care is about self-love. If we took the time to get in touch with our deepest highest self and accepted and loved all of who we are, would we then care enough to give ourselves the tender, compassionate care we reflect out to others? Could we care enough to heal the wounded warrior inside the power suit shown to the world?

Taking care of oneself is a natural way of life. A way to truly experience life in a rhythmic ebb and flow. Giving away our love  and care and then pausing checking in with our own needs and then shifting to time spent receiving what brings us joy and peace in our hearts. 

Life is a dance mimicking nature and the natural world. Just watch a tree sway gently to and fro in the gentle winds. It is able to be flexible and flowing because it nurtures itself, it takes up water through its roots and pulls in carbon dioxide for its growth then offers back oxygen for our well being and care. 

Autumn turns our intentions inward, nature slows down and offers its fullest harvests to us before her long hibernation and reset begins. Being able to receive does in fact make us better at…well, everything. Stronger and empowered, deep to our core, just like the trees. Not just a facade of a superhero but a true hero.

As we engage with the Autumnal shift in the season, before the holiday hustle and bustle takes root, let yourself take a few moments to walk among the colorful leaves, to savor every sip of that pumpkin spice latte, or to wrap yourself up in your favorite cozy sweater and just take a nap. Be present for yourself, for your life, live deeply giving yourself the gift of joy again. 

Self-care is not about self indulgence, it's about self-love, and living an experiential life that then brings a fresh, authentic self forth to offer back to others in an even deeper connection of love and respect.

Living a natural balanced life with a truly full heart.

Doesn’t that make you want to jump into a pile of leaves, cloud gaze at the sky, and  just breathe? 

Go for it! The world will wait with a sigh of approval as the natural balance of life is once again restored. 

Fall into grace as you fall in love with yourself.

Let this Fall bring you back to the worthiness of receiving the gift of self-care.

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