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Balancing Duality in the midst of Chaos

Updated: May 24, 2023

Have you heard the stories of the Earth's core stopping its spin and reversing? All this hype by reporters who unfortunately take little to no time to actually research science. The stories in the news today are just exaggerated hype of one story based on another story, editing is sloppy, and background checks are nonexistent. Violence and Fear lead the headlines day after day after day. We wonder why our bodies are burning out from nonstop overstimulation of the sympathetic nervous system (flight or fight response), adrenaline overload, and cortisol pumping through our systems. In the midst of chaos, we need to seek silence...

Like standing in the center of the eye of a hurricane, learning to create a safe space in one's life is absolutely becoming a critical part of our health. If we continue to live our lives caught up every minute of every day in the total chaos of this "reality" around us we will fall. It is harming us mentally, emotionally, and physically. We are dualistic beings while living here on this planet, a planet of life and death, light and darkness, warmth and cold. Our growth and survival here depend on our ability to adapt, change, and overcome challenges.

Living a purely physical life is not balanced. If we look back over time, back to tribal and indigenous living, we see that life existed around the natural world. All living beings were connected to and dependent on nature. The change of seasons dictated our source of food and nutrition, the stars navigated our travel, the sun kept time, gave light and warmth feeding our vegetation and nourishing our bodies, the moon keeps our tides in rhythm, and women's menses synched and depicted when to battle and when to make peace. The elders looked to the trees, animals, and sky to predict weather changes and forecast the future. Being connected to nature is our eye of the hurricane, it allows us to be present, to breathe, to let go, and.........BE.

We are a part of this living ecosystem, when we cut ourselves off from that life source it is like cutting off our energy supply. We are left as empty shells, going through the motions of life but truly experiencing none of it. The Earth grounds us, heals us, it replenishes our life force. The core of the Earth has not stopped spinning nor is it changing directions. What it is doing is slowing down, it is now traveling equally with the Earth's mantle, it is what it does every 70 years or so, slows down, balances out, and then picks up speed again. Perhaps we too can learn from watching the natural world around us as our elders did. Slow down, get out in nature, catch up with the Earth, and breathe. Take time to balance out your life, then carry on, replenished. Only remember like the earth this is not a one-time deal it must become cyclical, self-care is an ongoing commitment to loving yourself, and what better month to start self-love than one with a holiday dedicated to love itself? Now shut off this device and go get some fresh air, your whole being will thank you. Namaste.

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